It was science fiction when Kirk and Spock gave voice commands to the Computer. Now everyone is giving commands to smartphones and digital assistants. Experts predict that by 2020, 50 percent of all searches will be conducted by voice. It’s not hard to see why we got here: Google’s voice recognition technology is now 95 percent accurate; humans speak 150 words per minute but type only about 40, so it’s easier and faster; and voice responsive virtual assistants can now understand context based on a previous question.
As you interact with “Alexa,” “Siri,” “Cortana” or simply “Google,” your search queries are phrased differently from those you might enter into a search bar. The assistant is now searching, not for keywords, but for conversational phrasing that matches the question. So the question facing energy marketers today, is, “Is your website voice search optimized?”
There are many things we can do right now to optimize your sites for voice search – here are a few of the most important.
PriMedia developed some of the first industry websites in 1995, and from those first static sites to today’s integrated account management portals, customer-specific marketing, and now voice friendly optimization; we remain the leader in digital services for the energy marketer. Contact us to find out more about voice search optimization and other internet strategies.